We viewed Hatchet 3 (2013) (Decker Shado video)

Hatchet 3 was the horror film of the Hatchet trilogy. It is a story about Victor Crowley, his murderous rampage through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder plays Victor Crowley, Brian Quinn portrays Deputy Winslow, Rileah vanderbilt portrays Misty.

The film's greatest strength is the use of real-world special effects. Hatchet 3 is a modern horror film that relies heavily on CG effects. Hatchet 3 focuses mainly on practical makeup effects and sets. This results in terrifying scenes.

The cast is strong and the lead actor Kane Hodder proving to be an formidable villain. The dialogue is hilarious and clever enough to make it seem like an 80s slasher film. There are also certain moments of genuine comedy throughout that provide comedic contrast against all of the heart-wrenching action.

Due to the budget being one million dollars, the majority of locations were reused from earlier films. The boat house that was used twice in the movie was a prime instance. A lot of the film feels like it was recycled from other films in the franchise. The Hatchet and Hatchet 2 films may feel like it's a familiar film.

Overall, Hatchet 3 was very (blog) enjoyable. I found it to be very similar to other entries in this series. However, Hatchet 3 provided lots of gory thrills and entertaining performances by its cast.

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